grep command

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the grep command to search for patterns in text files. The tutorial covers the basic usage of the grep command, as well as several options that can be used to modify the search, such as the -r option for recursive search, the -i option for case-insensitive search, the -v option for inverting the search, the -c option for counting the number of matches, the -n option for printing line numbers, the -H option for printing filenames, the -l option for printing filenames only, and the -o option for printing only the matched text. The tutorial also includes examples of how to use these options and various other tips and tricks for using the grep command.

The grep command is a powerful Linux command that is used to search for patterns in text files. It is an essential tool for searching and processing large amounts of text data, and it is often used in combination with other command-line utilities.

Here is a complete tutorial on using the grep command, with examples:

Basic usage

To search for a pattern in a text file, simply type grep followed by the pattern you want to search for and the name of the file, and press enter:

$ grep pattern file

For example, to search for the word “hello” in a file called file.txt, you would use the following command:

$ grep hello file.txt

This will search the file.txt file for the word “hello” and print any lines that contain it to the standard output.

You can also specify multiple files to search, like this:

$ grep pattern file1 file2 file3

Recursive search

To search for a pattern in multiple directories and their subdirectories, you can use the -r option, which stands for “recursive.” This option tells the grep command to search all files in the specified directories and their subdirectories.

To use the -r option, simply include it as an argument to the grep command, like this:

$ grep -r pattern directory

Case-insensitive search

To search for a pattern without considering the case of the pattern or the text being searched, you can use the -i option, which stands for “ignore case.”

To use the -i option, simply include it as an argument to the grep command, like this:

$ grep -i pattern file

For example, to search for the word “hello” in a file called file.txt, regardless of whether it is uppercase, lowercase, or a mixture of both, you would use the following command:

$ grep -i hello file.txt

Invert search

To invert the search, and print only the lines that do not contain the pattern, you can use the -v option, which stands for “invert match.”

To use the -v option, simply include it as an argument to the grep command, like this:

$ grep -v pattern file

For example, to search a file called file.txt for all lines that do not contain the word “hello”, you would use the following command:

$ grep -v hello file.txt

Count matches

To count the number of lines that contain the pattern, and print the total at the end of the output, you can use the -c option, which stands for “count.”

To use the -c option, simply include it as an argument to the grep command, like this:

$ grep -c pattern file

For example, to count the number of lines in a file called file.txt that contain the word “hello”, you would use the following command:

$ grep -c hello file.txt

Print line numbers

To precede each line of output with the line number, you can use the -n option, which stands for “line number.”

To use the -n option, simply include it as an argument to the grep command, like this:

$ grep -n pattern file

For example, to search a file called file.txt for the word “hello” and print the line numbers of the lines that contain it, you would use the following command:

$ grep -n hello file.txt

Print filenames

To print the filename for each match, even when searching multiple files, you can use the -H option, which stands for “filename.”

To use the -H option, simply include it as an argument to the grep command, like this:

$ grep -H pattern file

For example, to search multiple files called file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt for the word “hello” and print the filenames of the files that contain it, you would use the grep command with the -l option, like this:

$ grep -l hello file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

This command will search the specified files for the pattern “hello” and print the names of the files that contain it, but not the lines themselves.

For example, if the file1.txt file contains the word “hello”, but the file2.txt and file3.txt files do not, the command would print the following output:


Print filenames only

To print the names of the files that contain the pattern, but not the lines themselves, you can use the -l option, which stands for “filename only.”

To use the -l option, simply include it as an argument to the grep command, like this:

$ grep -l pattern file

For example, to search multiple files called file1.txt, file2.txt, and file3.txt for the word “hello” and print the names of the files that contain it, you would use the following command:

$ grep -l hello file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

Use regular expressions

The grep command also supports the use of regular expressions, which are special strings that represent patterns of characters. Regular expressions allow you to search for more complex patterns, such as words that start with a certain letter or contain a specific number of characters.

To use regular expressions with the grep command, you can either enclose the pattern in quotation marks and use the -E option, which stands for “extended regular expression,” or you can simply omit the quotation marks and use the -e option, which stands for “regular expression.”

For example, to search a file called file.txt for all words that start with the letter “h” and end with the letter “o”, you can use either of the following commands:

$ grep -E "h.*o" file.txt
$ grep -e "h.*o" file.txt

Combine options

You can also combine multiple options and criteria to create more complex searches. For example, to search for all lines in the /home/user directory and its subdirectories that contain the word “hello” in any case, and print the line numbers and filenames, you can use the following command:

$ grep -rniH hello /home/user

To search for all lines in a file called file.txt that contain a number followed by the word “hello”, you can use either of the following commands:

$ grep -E "[0-9]+ hello" file.txt
$ grep -e "[0-9]+ hello" file.txt

To search for all lines in a file called file.txt that contain a word that starts with the letter “h” and has at least 4 characters, you can use either of the following commands:

$ grep -E "h.{3,}" file.txt
$ grep -e "h.{3,}" file.txt

I hope this tutorial on the grep command has been helpful!