Parallels Desktop

Parallels Desktop is a virtualization software that allows users to run multiple operating systems on the same physical machine. It is available for macOS and Windows and allows users to easily switch between different operating systems and run Windows applications on a Mac without rebooting.

With Parallels Desktop, users can install and run multiple operating systems, such as Windows, Linux, and macOS, on the same computer. Each operating system runs in its own virtual machine (VM), which is a self-contained environment that behaves like a separate computer.

Parallels Desktop provides a number of features to make it easy for users to switch between different operating systems and run Windows applications on a Mac. These features include:

  • Coherence mode: This mode allows users to run Windows applications alongside native Mac applications, without seeing the Windows desktop. The Windows applications appear as if they are running natively on the Mac.
  • Shared folders: Parallels Desktop allows users to share files and folders between the host operating system (the Mac) and the guest operating system (the Windows or Linux VM). This makes it easy to transfer files between the two operating systems.
  • Snapshots: Parallels Desktop allows users to create snapshots of their VMs, which are essentially copies of the VM at a particular point in time. Snapshots can be used to revert the VM to a previous state if something goes wrong, or to test different configurations without affecting the main VM.

Parallels Desktop is popular among users who need to run Windows applications on a Mac, or who need to test and develop applications on different operating systems. It is also useful for users who want to run multiple operating systems side by side for any other reason.