Roots WordPress stack

The Roots WordPress stack is a set of tools and libraries for building and managing WordPress websites and applications. It includes three main components: Trellis, Bedrock, and Sage.

  • Trellis is a development environment and deployment toolkit that makes it easy for developers to set up and manage WordPress development environments and deployments. It uses tools like ansible, Vagrant, and Composer to automate common tasks and provide a consistent, repeatable workflow for managing WordPress projects.
  • Bedrock is a WordPress boilerplate that provides a foundation for building WordPress websites and applications. It follows modern development practices and standards and provides a structured directory structure and a set of tools and libraries to help developers build and manage WordPress projects more efficiently.
  • Sage is a WordPress starter theme that makes it easy for developers to build custom WordPress themes. It is built on top of Bootstrap, a popular front-end framework, and it includes a number of tools and libraries to help developers build custom WordPress themes more efficiently.

The Roots WordPress stack is widely used by WordPress developers due to its powerful and flexible tools and libraries, which make it easier to build and manage WordPress projects. It is known for its emphasis on security, maintainability, and modern development practices.