Understanding the ‘as’ Keyword in PHP: A Comprehensive Tutorial

The “as” keyword in PHP is used for two main purposes: as a type hint in function declarations, and as an alias for namespaces and class names.

Using the “as” keyword for type hinting

Type hinting is a way to specify the expected data type of a function argument or return value. This helps to ensure that the function is called with the correct type of argument, and that it returns a value of the expected type.

To use the “as” keyword as a type hint, you need to specify the expected data type followed by the “as” keyword, followed by the name of the argument or return value.

For example:

function greet(string $name): string {
  return "Hello, $name!";

In this example, the function greet() expects a string argument called $name, and it returns a string value. The “string” and “: string” type hints indicate the expected data types of the argument and return value, respectively.

The “as” keyword can also be used to specify multiple expected types for an argument or return value.

For example:

function sum(int|float $x, int|float $y): int|float {
  return $x + $y;

In this example, the function sum() expects two arguments, $x and $y, of type “int” or “float”. It returns a value of type “int” or “float”, depending on the type of the arguments. The “int|float” and “: int|float” type hints indicate the expected data types of the arguments and return value, respectively.

It’s important to note that type hinting is not the same as type casting, which is a way to explicitly convert a value from one data type to another. Type hinting is used to specify the expected data type of a function argument or return value, while type casting is used to explicitly convert a value to a specific data type.

Using the “as” keyword for aliasing

The “as” keyword can also be used to create an alias for a namespace or class name. This is useful when you want to use a long or complex namespace or class name multiple times in your code, and you want to use a shorter or more convenient alias instead.

To use the “as” keyword as an alias, you need to specify the namespace or class name followed by the “as” keyword, followed by the alias.

For example:

use My\Very\Long\Namespace\Class as MyClass;

$obj = new MyClass();

In this example, the “as” keyword creates an alias “MyClass” for the namespace “My\Very\Long\Namespace\Class”. The alias can then be used to refer to the namespace or class in your code, instead of using the full namespace or class name.

The “as” keyword can also be used to create an alias for a class member, such as a constant, property, or method.

For example:

use My\Very\Long\Namespace\Class as MyClass;

echo MyClass::MY_CONSTANT;
echo MyClass::$myProperty;
echo MyClass::myMethod();

In this example, the “as” keyword creates aliases for the constant “MY_CONSTANT”, the property “$myProperty”, and the method “myMethod” of the class “My\Very\Long\Namespace\Class”. The aliases can then be used to access the class members in your code, instead of using the full class name.

It’s important to note that aliasing is not the same as inheritance, which is a way to create a new class that is based on an existing class and can inherit its properties and methods. Aliasing is used to create a convenient alias for a namespace or class name, while inheritance is used to create a new class that extends the functionality of an existing class.


In this tutorial, you learned about the two main uses of the “as” keyword in PHP: as a type hint in function declarations, and as an alias for namespaces and class names. You learned how to use the “as” keyword to specify the expected data type of a function argument or return value, and how to create an alias for a namespace or class name to make your code more concise and readable. By using the “as” keyword appropriately, you can improve the quality and maintainability of your PHP code.